Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Blooper Channel - FeatherBrainedASMR

Hi everyone!

I love making videos for you guys but I'm sure you can tell by now that I'm a bit spazzy, and my cats are more than a bit diabolical.  I have plenty of face palm moments while making vids, and up until now I have edited most of those moments out.  I love seeing other people's bloopers though, and I after showing some on facebook (because this blog won't let me post any long vids), and getting feedback that people couldn't view the vids because of the player facebook uses, I decided to make a separate channel.   I will use this channel to post the longer bloopers, and maybe an occasional vlog (but don't hold me to that  :P).

Here's my first Blooper Video featuring troll cat!


  1. I am so glad i'm not the only one who suffers from Trolling Cat Syndrome. I've been trying to film for the past three nights and they keep stealing the show!

    1. hahahaha it's like there's an alarm that lets them know when we are bout to be productive.

  2. Oh! I wish you had moved the camera down so we could see what he was doing! He is such a handsome boy.

    On a side note... thank you for your wonderful ASMR videos! I am quite addicted to watching them before I sleep. I could probably go to sleep earlier ever night, but I always have to stay to the end. ^_^" Oops...
